Have a Dolphin DX3 forever..!

(Benton, LA)

I didn't have a pool robot to begin with till my good neighbor gave me a broken Dolphin DX3. After checking why it was not working, found out that the motor control PCB board was bad. I found by chance a replacement board for a Diagnostic that had the same functions and was working pretty good till recently the robot quit. I checked the power supply and was at 40 VDC, and when connected to the robot was not working. So ordered a new motor unit since couldn't find a replacement PCB board. When connected to the power supply, id didn't respond...Puzzled by this behavior, I checked with a 24 VDC battery and did work. Then I tested the same way my old motor assembly and worked too...! So, returned the just acquired motor unit. Figured that the PCB does not like the 40 VDC since the normal output of the power supply is 29 VDC. Didn't want to spend $300 in a new power supply, so I purchased a generic power supply at $50 with variable VDC and Amps. Set it up to 28 VDC and 6 Amps and boom, works like a champ. Have it on a timer for daily working intervals.

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