After searching for trouble-shooting steps for aquabot pool robot, I came across your website and found this (, very useful. But before I start to open the drive motor of the robot, I would like to mention what I have done to trouble-shoot the fault as below.
I am using Aquabot Duramax Junior T RC pool robot. The robot stopped working. I started to trouble-shoot and found that a piece chipped off (of plastic cage like cover between the two impellers of the water pump ) and was interfering rotation of the water pump. Next the drive motor is not working.
Tracing the wires connecting the motor and capacitor, I drew electrical schematic of the robot and is like, Power supply OUT > drive motor IN > drive motor OUT > pump motor IN > pump motor OUT > capacitor.
I dissamble all three electrical parts (drive motor, pump motor and capacitor) from the robot and tried to run them individually.
I tried Power supply OUT > pump motor IN > pump motor OUT > capacitor, the pump motor works okay.
I tried Power supply OUT > drive motor IN (not submerged in water). Drive motor did not work.
I tried Power supply OUT > drive motor IN (not submerged in water) > capacitor. Drive motor did not work.
Power supply output 39 VAC.
Can you please advise:
Will the drive motor has to be submerged under water to work properly?
What are electrical specifications of drive motor and pump motor.
Jul 20, 2017 Rating
More pictures, please by: jab721
This is really great!! I finally found someone actually opening the motor up. How much force will I need to open the canister? Did you put any lubricants or heat to loosen it? Is it sealed with some adhesive or is there a gasket inside that keeps it waterproof? Please provide more pictures at so I can visualize clearly how you did it. I want to attempt to disassemble my Aquabot Turbo T's drive motor but was a little leary. Your instructions are giving me confidence to go for it! Thank you.
Sep 06, 2016 Rating
Too tight.. by: Mark
My slave motor is not running (went from weak to dead fairly quick) So I was going to open it up and see if the issue was the slave or the master not sending power over. Well for get that. I used an oil filter strap wrench and some heat from a hair dryer type heat gun and no dice. With a 1/2" socket wrench turning the strap, I almost gave out of strength about when the strap slipped. I think I will just part out this Plus RC and buy a 600$ Breeze 4X4. Not as fancy but will get the job done with a lot less complexity. Mark
Jun 27, 2014 Rating
Breaking canister seal by: Anonymous
Very nice instructions. Those canisters can be tough to open.