Maytronics Dolphin Repair And Troubleshooting

Maytronics Dolphin repair is very limited. Limited to the outside of your Dolphin Automatic Pool Cleaner.

Maytronics Dolphin repair help for your Dolphin has arrived! Aquaquality Pools and Spas Inc, is now a dealer and provider Of Maytronics Dolphin repair service for both Dolphin Pool Cleaners and Tiger Shark Pool Cleaners. 1-866-876-8643

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Maytronics Dolphin Troubleshooting

Dolphin Diagnostic Transformer Repair

Dolphin Diagnostic Parts: Cable Testing and Replacement

Maytronics Dolphin Diagnostic User's Manual (opens new window)

Forget about replacing the pump and motor. Unless you have a spare robot for parts, internal maytronics parts are impossible to get. Your dealer will send your robot out for repair.

Prevention is the best remedy. Avoid operating your Maytronics cleaner under any conditions that will clog the bag and prevent water circulation around the motor housing. Heat will destroy the electrical components inside the case.

Re-coil the cable after every use starting at the robot and working the twists outward to the plug. Chances are...if your cable will not float straight and is always being sucked into the robot, that cable has most likely been stored in a piled twisted mess. Recoiling the cable takes all of 30 seconds and saves hours of aggravation.

I have several photos including a photo of the inside of the motor housing.

Maytronics Dolphin Drive Track Removal

1. Remove the bottom plate with bag.

2. With the machine upside down, remove the screws holding the debris shield and remove the shield.

Dolphin Bottom Plate Removed

Maytronics Dolphin Debris Shield Removal

3. Remove the screws holding the side plate.

4. Gently pry off the sideplate. It may need much persuasion due to dirt buildup on the sideplate pegs that slide into the body.

Maytronics Dolphin Sideplate Removal

Maytronics Dolphon Sideplate Removed

Be sure to clean dirt, debris and other contaminants from the parts that slide into each other.

5. Remove the drive track. The system is direct drive with the drive gear in the center. Drive gear and pulleys slide off the spindles.

FOR THE CURIOUS I opened a motor compartment to satisfy the question of what is in it. No instructions are included to put it back together because parts are unavailable.

The motor assembly inside the robot body is held in place by screws accessible once the sideplates are removed. Inside the box is the pump, drive motor, circuit board and a counterweight to offset the buoyancy of the air filled box.

Opening this box creates the challenge of airtight reassembly. The gasket must be re-used and I suggest a good coating of silicone to keep it pliable and easier to slide into position.

Notice the motors have little direct cooling contact with the water.

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HGPOWER mod. HGP d180A 
Hi. I have a problem with my Aquabot cleaner where on the board model d180A where I would need to identify the IC which is marked on the attached photo. …

Gears sound like they are stripping not meshing to allow movement 
Turn on my Dolphin and it moves and immediately hearing gear grinding and doesn't move. Is there a fix or what parts are needed for repairing.

Robot sucking cable 
My robot worked flawlessly for years. Suddenly this year the cable won’t float and gets sucked into the robot. How do I fix this or do I need to replace …

Parts supplier for dolphin pool cleaner 
I am in need of the drive wheel with ball bearings in my cleaner

maytronics dolphin pool cleaner will not go to the bottom of the pool. 
My dolphin will not go to the bottom of the pool. Climbs the wall and stay at the top of the wall. Cleans the top of the wall but nothing else.

Early dolphin Test out of Water 
Bought from a friend. Really like it, had for little over a year. Ran it on a Monday, put it back in pool on Thursday. Ran 3-4feet. Stopped. Maintenance …

Aquabot problem 
The clean filter light comes on and the Aquabot won’t work. The filter is clean, but I can’t clear the light. Can I use a 2 pin power supply from an …

My pool cleaner does not climb up the wall. 
My pool cleaner Dolphin Maytronics Diagnostics 2001 does not climb up the wall, but once I help him to pull up the front part a bit, he has enough vacuum …

Type of servo used in Maytronics 9995387-ASSY - Dolphin S200  
Hello, my Dolphin used to work very well until after cleaning and back in the water it starts for a minute then stops. I cleaned the impeller and the rest, …

Fixed Dolphin Nautilus/Maytronics power supply power switch 
I have a Maytronics power supply # 9995670 for a Dolphin Nautilus pool cleaner. I started having issues with the power button working intermittently. …

La première chenille a été mise en place assez facilement, par contre impossible de monter la deuxieme chenille ; existe t il un moyen pour détendre une …

Dolphin C6 
Our Dolphin C6 Plus has loose belts. We replaced them. When we put the vacuum back into the pool it doesn't really move. When it does move it goes in circles. …

Dolphin Powersupply BASIC 230 
Hi, first of all, that's a very helpful page, thanks a lot! My father has a Dolphin E10 poolcleaner, and the powersupply is not working anymore. …

Problems with the Dolphin 2001 
Dear Sir or Madam, i have some problems with my Dolphin 2001. He starts for 1 or 2 minutes and tunes off after that. Do you have any idea what the problem …

The blue band on my May Tronics dolphin came off. Replaced it and now it’s not moving 
The blue band on my May Tronics dolphin came off. Replaced it and now it’s not moving. I woke up to find one of the blue bands on my May Tronics dolphin …

Dolphin repair 
Is there a reasonably price repair service I can send my cleaner to? I live in TX.

1986 Maytronics Dolphin track repair 
After 33 years of weekly summer use, a pulley came loose from the spindle and the track broke. I reattached the pulley using miracle bond, and temporarily …

Debris picked up from the bottom of the pool leaks out on removal 
When I finish cleaning the pool with the diagnostic Dophin Robot I lift the unit out of the pool. Debris picked up from the bottom of the pool leaks out. …

It was working then suddenly stopped and blew the fuse Dolphin Deluxe 4 Robotic Pool Cleaner  
I started my Dolphin the same as usual-in the same outlet designated for this purpose and on it's first run out, it blew the fuse. I reset fuse box and …

Dolphin question In or Out of Pool storage 
Which is better or worse to leave the robot it in the chlorine pool where it can dry out because of chemical or leave it out of the pool in the hot sun …

will not go in reverse 
My Dolphin is about 12 years old. It will go until it needs to reverse then it stops. HELP PLEASE.

Dirt bypassing filter 
We have a Dolphin Nautilus CC plus that has worked great for 4 or so years. Lately it seems the dirt is bypassing the filter somehow. While it picks up …

I love my dolphin! I just need to know the right way to replace the climbing rings. 
I need to know the right way to replace the climbing rings,before I start taking out screws that didn't need to come out.

Dolphin only starts if I disconnect/reconnect the cable that goes from the power supply to the Dolphin. 
I just started up our pool for the season. I took our Dolphin pool cleaner out of the house where it had been stored all winter, plugged it in and nothing …

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Dolphin Diagnostic issue, running no bag 
I put my dolphin diagnostic in pool without putting cloth bag part in. I thought was already in. I did not realize it for about 15 minutes Did I ruin …

Maytronics ECB 2410110LF  
I am looking to buy or have this Maytronics board repaired. Power makes it all the way to the white 4-pin connector on the board but stops there. No power …

robot stops when in vertical position. 
When I put the robot in the water, it is working fine on flat level. When it hits the wall, goes to vertical position, wheels keep on turning a little …

R38 burned on maytronics 2410110LF rev 03 
hi, anyone know the value of this R38 resistor? it's the resistor connected with a diode M4

Tracks keep coming off my Dolphin X5 
My Dolphin is 7 years old. The track belts is starting to come off quite frequently . Do I need to replace the tracking wheels or the belt itself?

S300i Technical Issue: Servo Overload  
My S300i just works in manual mode and Regular cleaning mode, but not in others modes. My Dolphin app show an alert: "Technical Issue: Servo Overload, …

Debris goes into Dolphin, not bag 
We took our Dolphin DX3 into the dealer for a new motor. Now it lacks suction and, what debris it does pick up, goes into the assembly and impeller instead …

How to open up the Power Supply - pictures for PS #9995678 
these are pictures i wanted to post to an already existing topic - 'How to open up the Power Supply'

Home owner 
I have a Dolphin Deluxe series number 107624AS34 which has served me well. The long blue cord that runs between the vacuum and the power supply has a short …

D2 Burned 2410075LF Rev 01 Control Board 
What is the value of the D2 diode (between the two big blue resistors)?

Will not climb vertical walls 
The Dolphin worked great last year. When we opened the pool this year, the climbing rings came off. After replacing the climbing rings, it works better. …

diode mfr. part no. 
Hello, in board Maytronics Diagnostics 2410075LF, what is the manufacturer part number of D2, the one near the two big resistors? The diode burned and …

Dolphia Apollo broken handle. 
The plastic extensions to the handle on which you wind the blue power cord are broken. Because of this the handle will not fasten to the lower half of …

Dolphin looks like it works...but no 
Dolphin worked at the end of last year. It needed some new climbing rollers, which lead to a busted carriage assembly. We ordered it and installed it our …

Intermittent problem won't start. Possibly angle sensors.  
My Dolphin Easykleen is prone to not wanting to run some times but having no problem at other times. It seems like it might have something to do with the …

Maytronics Dlophin DX6 has bad PC board 2410074LF 
Unit started going around in circles. Disassembled to get to motor box containing 3 motors. Left worked, right didn't. Switched modular plugs on the …

Location of Transformer in Dolphin Power Supply 
Hi There, My Dolphin has stopped working and have gone through the complete unit with multimeter testing voltage and continuity on the cable, Amphenol …

No more Maytronics Robots - don't touch them unless you are willing to buy a new one every 2 years! 
We bought a Moby from the company who supplied our pool. We know we paid too much for it but we got a bit swept up by the whole thing and their recommendations. …

Track gets tight and robot stops 
Drive track on one side gets tight and the robot stops. After inspection I noticed one drive track had come out of the position and wore a grove in the …

Pool Cleaner only covers a small area of my pool 
I have purchased a secondhand Davey PoolSweepa Wallclima Pool Cleaner - only 9 months old. Looking at the pictures in your article "Maytronics Dolphin …

Dolphin DX5 Plus Power Cable Failure 
Had my Dolphin DX5 failed to respond last week. Using your instructions, I was able to disassemble my pool cleaner to do a continuity check on power terminals …

TX Pool boy 
Tread came off of Dolphin Delux - how to get it back on???

Filter bag empties debris upon removal from the pool 
When I remove my Dolphin after it has been cleaning the pool, all of the debris in the filter bag empties as a I pull the until from the water. This was …

my dolplin nautilus starts and stops 
I change the frame on my dolphin nautilus pool cleaner put in pool and started it, climb wall down to middle and stops I push start button it went about …

Dolphin won't respond to remote 
Just opened my pool this year and put in the Dolphin. Let it run for awhile. Changed the bag and then attempted to run it by remote and it would not respond. …

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Power cable chewed in half 
My sweet new dog chewed my power supply cable in half. Can the cable itself be purchased?? I tried splicing it back together with no luck. Any help would …

Dolphin leans to one side  
I have had my dolphin for quite a few years now, have had to replace a few items on it from time to time, but it still runs well. This year I noticed …

Power supply moby dolphine 
Hi guy i'm franky and i search for a power supply dolphine moby ,can u tell me if u sell this product please ?,if yes how much it is ?.i dont have time …

dolphin dx3 climbs the walls and steps but isn't sometimes flips to side instead of staying upright 
Dolphin DX3 was working intermittently. We replaced the cord and it runs well now however it doesn't seem to right itself after climbing a wall. It rolls …

Impeller turns briefly but drive track keeps moving 
My motor runs okay and the drive shaft turns freely but the impeller only runs for a few seconds before shutting off. I've disconnected the belts to see …

Need Help With Resistor Values R70, R71, R72, R73 
Hi, I have got a robotXT5 sibrape and today it stop working. I noticed that resistors R70, R71, R72 and R73 burned out, it is a maytronics 2410073LF board. …

Dolphin runs back and forth in same spot 
Tried without the bag, tried every handle position. Local service guy lowered the float and still no good. Used to do the whole pool right up the walls. …

any suggestions on how to remove the side plate on a dolphin deluxe 4? 
Looking for help on how to remove the side plates so I can replace the tracks on a Dolphin Deluxe 4 as sold by Leslie's. It's different than the one in …

blue cord connection dolphin 4 not working 
I need to buy a new cord.. please let me know price and shipping if I have to pay for it.

dolphin wave 100 side panel 
I have a new side panel for the wave 100. the power cord plug is too big to go through the side panel - how do you deal with this? Thanks

Dolphin Robot Repair Facility 
I had a dolphin diagnostics robot in my pond and someone drove through my fence and landed in my pond, it shoved a rod and large pond rock through the …

M'y robot goes only one way 
My robot stopped working both ways suddenly. It not works fine, but only one way, which makes it impossible to clean the pool alone (I now have to manually …

Power Supply Submerged in Louisiana Flood this week 
Well bummer! I gave my daughter a Maytronics Dolphin as a housewarming gift last week. They lived in their new house all of one week when the flood came. …

Power supply box issue 
Hi I have a brand new "Dolphin Premium Robotic Inground Pool Cleaner with BlueTooth Technology" and the power supply box will only light up half of the …

how to change the brushes Easy Kleen 
hello, i should like to change the brushes of my robot dolphin easy kleen, but I don't know how to do. Could you explain it to me? thanks

Power supply under water 
My power supply box got drug into the pool. Tripped the won't turn on????

maintaionance parts for Dolphin 
I have had a Dolphin Automatic pool cleaner for over ten years. I just had a problem recently with belt coming off. I was noticing not moving as fast as …

Dolphin dynamic plus .... plug broken 
Hi, I have a dolphin dynamic plus pool cleaner. The plug of the power supply cable broke and two of the wires popped out of their pins. Black is in …

Power cord chewed by dog 
My dog chewed the blue power cord in half can it be repaired

MAYTRONICS ORION REV02 2410011LF | Resistor Value for R43 
MAYTRONICS ORION REV02 2410011LF Hi i have the same problem, resistor R43 is fried. i dont know the color code, in order to buy a new one. could …

Dolphin Deluxe 4 pool cleaner gets stuck on the pool drain 
I have a Dolphin Deluxe 4 pool cleaner that gets stuck on the pool drain, I shut the drain off, and it still gets hung up on the drain. Is there a part …

Re-engineering my Dolphin 
I love my dolphin except for when it breaks. This is my second unit on its second drive box. They last about three to four years with my use. So I have …

R14 Burned 2410075LF Rev 01 Control Board  
R14 Burned 2410075LF Rev 01 Control Board The R14 Resistor is burned out. What is the resistance value? Thanks.

Dolphin 2001 Cable Connection Inside Motorbox 
I have disasemblied my Dolphin Diagnostic 2001 last Fall to find the root cause of the issue that it sometimes does not drive... I found out that the …

Delux 4 Dolphin, HOW does it turn 
Question - with a single direct drive system running both tracks on the Delux 4 Dolphin, my question is, HOW does it turn? I am sure there is a simple …

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One Track Turns 

DOLPHIN ADVANTAGE (104866VS65) works for about 1 minute the shuts off 
DOLPHIN ADVANTAGE (104866VS65) works for about 1 minute the shuts off. you can unplug or shut off and it will continue to do this. how can I get this …

rewiring 3 pin to 4 pin replacement plug for power supply. 
We have a Maytronics Dolphin Wave 100. Life guards wrapping cord too tight around cart handle eventually broke wires off at original 3 pin plug. Got …

Power Supply Box 
The power switch on the Power Supply Box is very difficult to turn on and off. Getting more difficult.

Blown fuse in power supply 
Power source blows fuse when not connected to Dolphin Cleaner

how do you replace the side panel with the electric cord running through? 
Hi ther everyone. I have tinkered with my Dolphin quite a lot. Opened all parts etc. The one thing that has me stumped is how to change and replace the …

Dolphin Diagnostic Advantage Torn Silica Bag 
Runs for a few minutes then stops. All input & output power ok all thru out the time. No burned wires nor connections either. No obstruction/s in impeller, …

R38 Burned 2410073LF Rev 01 Control Board  
The R38 resistor on the control noted in the subject is burned out. 1. The unit is 5 years old. What causes this resistor to burn out? 2. What is …

Hola, necesito reparar mi limpiafondos, donde puedo comprar la placa electrónica que está dentro del compartimiento junto al motor? muchas gracias.

Dolphin Power Supply got dunked - no Bueno? 
Straight Line winds knocked my Dolphin power supply into the pool. After a day I plugged it in and lights came on and almost immediately went off again. …

Dolphin Supreme M3 
I have an above ground round pool. The M3 is getting stuck at a 45 degree angle between the wall and floor; both left wheels or right wheels are on the …

Dolphin won't turn on 
I had my dolphin and power supply under are covered patio. I want to use it today tried to turn it on and it wouldn't fire up. I reset the GFCI outlet …

Getting to the brain- unit works but shuts off prematurely? Come read this! 
So like many of you I purchased a Dolphin to clean my pool because I am lazy, it does a better job than I ever could, and it reduces the strain on my pump …

pool owner. Recent purchase of Maytronics Endeavor 
Will not program for 7day, 3 hr clean each day. It shuts off after cleaning but does not come on the next day. I have been reprograming everyday with …

My propeller does not suck. Lol 
I put in r2d2 my dolphin dynamic in today and it appears that the the water is being sucked in the top rather than thru the bottom. Any ideas?

Power Supply Wet Won't Turn ON 
I had the dolphin running then it down poured an by the time I got to it the power was off and wouldn't turn back on? Does it need to dry out? Should this …

Pool Cleaner Power Cable 
I had the cleaner stored for the winter and our bunny got out of his cage and decided to chew on the cord. Of course he chewed on the end closest to the …

Power supply 9995671 
The robot is currently not working, it's doing nothing. After disassembling the connector of the power supply that connects to the cable that goes to …

Dolphin moby flips over and stops 
Hi, We have a dolphin moby for a few years now. When it climbs the wall, it turns and doesn't come down the right way. It lands on it's back,or side. …

Low cost repair of Dolphin 
Hello. I am a Dutch electronics engineer, and live in the south of France. I have a Dolphin which worked well during eight years, but when I put it in …

Hi, I have a Dolphin Diagnotic 2001 with a rev09 circuit board. The component to the right of the red wire is burnt. Can anybody identify the component …

Dolphin Won't Climb Walls 
The dolphin will not go up on the side of the pool

Dolphin Motor 
I have a repair shop is it possible to buy a electric motor for the dolphin PG 6325-28/40-RL if so what is the price Jos v. Engelen Holland …

ball bearings 
after removing side panel i noticed the middle drive ring would not turn at the bottom. the top part would turn but the bottom seemed stuck. When i turned …

Power Supply 
Is there anything special about the 24VDC going to the Dolphin?

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My dolphin deluxe 3 pool cleaner 
My power supply turns on but the dolphin doesn't turn on or have any power going to it. It looks like there could be a fuse inside a cartridge on the …

Goggles Stuck On Wheel 
On my SUPREME M4 I got a pair of goggles stuck around middle roller and was not moving. I removed them but it still will not drive although still pumping …

Bearings for pump motor 
I need a new bearing for my Dolphin Diagnostic pump motor. I have found the bearing for the 'output' end of the motor (near the pump thingy), by reading …

Dolphin Rev 09 board has different type resistors than the troublesome old ones. 
The photo above shows a Rev 09 Dolphin by Maytronics PC board. Interesting, the unit I purchased, with a 6 month later build date, uses the Rev 03 board. …

Maytronics Rev 03 board partial power schematic 
This is an updated and correct schematic of the Dolphin Diagnostic built in 2006 using their Rev 03 Motor control circuit board. The track motor relay …

Maytronics Rev 03 board partial schematic 
This is for you, Gibson. A partial schematic of the board to show you how the input circuit is connected in the motor control unit. One side of the D9, …

Maytronics refurbing and reselling to new/old owners 
I have a seldom used but older Maytronics Dolphin Diagnostic cleaner. I have had the unit since 2006 (rev 03 PCB) but only used it occasionally such that …


Suction doesn't seem powerful enough to clean the algae even with me brushing many spots and corners. Are the other more accordion looking filters better …

dolphin pool cleaner it trips the circut breaker 
When I plug in my dolphin pool cleaner it trips the circut breaker whether I use extension cord or plug in direct what is my problem

6H Dynamic Pro- X 
Hi to all I am trying to repair this model but I have some problems: 1. How can I test this model out of a pool?The motors run for a few minutes …

Will not move 
I purchased my Deluxe 4 Dolphin last summer. I have only used it twice this summer and both times it hasn't ran properly. When I select time it only runs …

How to open up the Power Supply 
My power supply is dead and in my research I see that a lot of times the bridge rectifier has gone bad. What I cannot find is how do you take apart the …

my dolphin deluxe keeps turning itself upside down 
Why does my dolphin deluxe keep turning itself upside down when cleaning the pool?. It does not right itself.

Foam Climbing Rings 
My Dolphin 4 has foam rings in the brushes and they have become brittle and cracked. Our local pool store cannot find them on any parts list and the new …

Dolphin Nautilus Pool cleaner 
I unpacked my Dolphin Nautilus pool cleaner, and when I opened to replace filters, I noticed two styrofoam blocks on each side, are these supposed to be …

I need the circuit diagrams of the POWER SUPLY MAYTRONICS LTD. DINAMIC DC Nº 9995671 anyone have them? I need the circuit diagrams of the POWER …

wiring the power cable 
water leaked in to the connection on top of the unit connector causing the white wire to break due to corrosion.Repaired the white wire connection. but …

I need help putting the unit back together 
Another Dolphin Diagnostic story. I need help putting the unit back together. I had to replace a broken side panel which involved removing the power …

4 Pin Connector to Power Supply 
The power cord pulled out of the 4 pin amphenol power plug. This is the black plastic connector that cord to the dolphin to the actual power supply. …

Dolphin Deluxe 4, fan on top runs for 2 seconds and then stops , no tracks movements, power supply light stays on.  
I have Dolphin Deluxe 4 purchased from Leslie's Pool supplies back in May 2010. Power supply quit working twice before and had to replace it after about …

Dolphin Electronic Control Board Repair Company 
I previously posted that a company out of Greenville South Carolina, Circuit Board Medics, was servicing the controller boards for the Maytronics Dolphin …

Dolphin Starts and Stops 
My Dolphin had been working great for 7 yrs, This year it wont start I took it to teddys pool in Chicopee ma, They were great, Put a new end on power …

Loves the deep water 
Is there anyway to make the dolphin clean the shallow end of the pool No matter how many times I place it in the shallow side it ends up spending all …

Robot Stays In Deep End 
My machine heads for the deep end of the pool and does not return to clean the shallow end. What can I do to get the machine to clean the whole pool? …

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R31 Resistor Value Question 
I have a Maytronics Dolphin and it has a burnt out resister on the board. This would be R31 the bands are burnt off due to the fact the board got wet. …

Resistor Value for R43 
Hello! I am trying to find out the resistance value, tolerance, and wattage for the resistor labeled R43 (in the box labeled J3) for the Dolphin 2410012LF …

Goggles stuck behind the wheels of a Dolphin DB-3 
I cant work out how to remove the tracks and wheels without breaking something or tottally pulling it apart. Is there an easy way?

dolphin supreme m3 not working 
Switchmode power supply producing 29v dc ok. Cleaner motor not running. How is the motor sealed against water ingress? Will I need a gasket kit if I open …

come on maytronics, sell motor parts 
i have owned a Dolphin for ten years just about and they are the best pool cleaner i have seen. With any mechanical item out there you sometimes run into …

New Circuit Board 
Could you please tell me where I can buy a new circuit board for the dolphin diagnostic and how much?? JB ADMIN REPLY: New boards are not available …

Where to buyDolphin Diagnostic PC board??? 
I have a Dolphin Diagnostic that starts to run for a few seconds then stopped. I use the power supply to check on a friend's Dolphin and it seems to work …

Dolphin Plug Wiring 
The plug that goes into the dolphin transformer has come loose. Can you tell me how to rewire, or direct me to someone in the Rockville Maryland area that …

dolphin diagnostic starts then stops no wires to timer in myu poiwer supply 
I have a dolphin diagnostic. Its about 4 years old. The problem is it starts up moves a foot or two then goes in reverse for a few feet and then stops …

Dolphin Motor Repair (recommended read) 
Often times the failure of the motor is related to the small circuit board that is inside the motor assembly. I found an on-line repair facility, Circuit …

Dolphin Starts for a second and stops 
I have had my dolphin for 1 1/2 years and now it starts for a second and stops. what could be wrong?

Where to purchase spare parts? 
I have a Maytronics Diagnostics 3000 and need a few plastic clips on the filter bag base. The sliding clips that hold it on. Is there anywhere in the …

Power supply blowing fuses-fixed 
Power supply blowing fuses, replaced the rectifier bridge obtained from Mouser electronics($3.25)The old bridge was labeled SB3510, but replacement was …

Robo stops due to moisture in motor compartment 
Robo stops due to moisture in motor compartment. How to open and dry motors? ADMIN REPLY: How do you know there's a moisture problem if you have not …

Taking piece out to change fuse 
Hi, what do I do to take the piece out to change the fuse in the power supply? I keep turning it and feel I will break it. So, can you please tell me how …

dolphin will run for about 5-10 secs then stops 
My dolphin only runs about 10 seconds then shuts off. When it starts to shut down a green light on the circuit board begins to flash. If I turn off the …

My Dolphin power switch/breaker blows immediately 
Hi, I have a question. My Dolphin Diagnostic pool cleaner has stopped working. When I press the power switch on it immediately shuts off. I opened up …

Dolphin Plug connection 
power supply connection opened up and I have a black and white wire to be attached..there are two screws herel, but I have a 50% chance of being wrong …

Dolphin Cleaner Won't Work Move. sand in motor box 
have power to the circut board but no power to the motors.there is a dry bag in motor box opened and sand is all over everything in motor box circut board …

Designing a new controller for Dolphin Advantage 
Like a lot of others have posted here, my mom's dolphin advantage has quit working. The unit will run for about one minute and then stop. It will not …

Bonjour J'ai 2 blocs moteur qui ont le même problème. A l'allumage, le moteur d'entrainement marche dans un sens puis s'arrete, redémarre dans l'autre …

Dolphin Runs Intermittently. 
When I turn it on the green lights come on for a couple of seconds and then goes off. The unit itself runs and pumps for a couple of seconds and then stops. …

Dolphin Power Supply Blowing the fuse 
Do you have any sugguestions, my transformer immediately blows fuses when turned on. The cleaner is not plugged in. There are no signs of damage inside …

Dolphin has developed an attachment to a single 4' strip 
I was hoping to find that someone else had experienced my same problem - but it doesn't appear so. My Dolphin has no "functionality" issues: it cleans …

Remote Dolphin dynamic 2002 
Hello, I bought a second hand Dolphin dynamic 2002, after I put in new penlites in the remote it won't work > i opened the complete cover and everything …

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Authorized Maytronics Service Center  
This website has no association with Maytronics, the manufacturer of Dolphin Pool Cleaners. This page, is associated with Aquaquality Pools & Spas only, …

Dolphin Diagnostic Rip Off 
I purchased a Dolphin Diagnostic Advantage pool cleaner 5 years ago, the motor has quit working and I was told by the service center that they want $350.00 …

My dolphin goes 1 ft one way and then one ft the other, then stops! Help???? 
My dolphin goes 1 ft one way and then one ft the other, then stops! Help????

My dolphin pool just floats 
My dolphin pool cleaner wont sink to the bottom of pool just floats, unit is working just floats.

How do you repair the plug portion that goes into the power supply? 
The unit shorted out and i just need to reconnect the wires. Is it and allen key? I have never seen this type of connection before. Please be specific …

Dolphin Pool Cleaner Stops running after 4 cycles 
My Dolphin runs for exactly 4 short cycles and then shuts off. I seems like it needs to be reprogrammed. Any suggestions to reload firmware? Thanks …

Hello ! I have the Maytronics DOLPHIN DIAGNOSTIC ADVANTAGE year 2009 bought on the USA directly. he lift on the pool-wall but when arrive on the waterline …

4X4 dolphin one set of treads turning. 
Having trouble with our 4X4 dolphin one set of driving wheel treads works the other appears to be jammed. This causes the unit it go in a circle. Have …

Dolphin Diagnostic Easy Repair 
I brought my cleaner out a few weeks ago after being stored since last fall. I put it in my pool and it went a little forward and back and stopped moving. …

Dolphin Diagostic help? 
I currently own Dolphin Diagnostic Advantage Robotic Pool Cleaner, and when I turn system on, the wheels spin for about 2-4 seconds then turns back off. …

Water in Maytronics Dolphin Motor Box 
Had the same unit for 3 years and it suddenly stopped working. Tried calling Tech support and no one would talk to me. I tested the transformer and cord …

Dolphin Filter Screen just crumbled. 
The Dolphin Diagnostic Advantage has run beautifully for three seasons. There are issues with it getting stuck on steps and pulling a "sucking face plant" …

someone should design and bulid a new and improved PC board for Dolphin Pool Cleaners 
I own two dolphin advantage cleaners and one of them is just like everybody else: moves two feet and shuts down. I got a idea before i crack it open, i …

Dolphin cord into power supply 
I tripped over the cord and pulled it out of the screw in connector for the power supply. There are 4 slots numbered 1 to 4 on the screw in connector. …

Dolphin Diagnostic Advantage Robotic Pool Cleaner 
I currently own Dolphin Diagnostic Advantage Robotic Pool Cleaner, and when I turn system on, the wheels spin for about 2-4 seconds then turns back off. …

Dolphin Pool Cleaner unit just floats 
My unit is not moving, and had intermittent times of moving but now has water coming out the top but nothing is happening. I have tried moving the rollers …

dolphin repair 
Is there anywhere I can take my pool cleaner to be repaired in the NJ/NY area?

Dolphin motor works for 2-4 seconds and stops 
I need some clue how to fix it

Dolphin Tracks 
Where can I purchase new tracks?

Dolphin Electronic Card Fuse 
Goodmorning we have a problem with our dolphin diagnostic 6h unit. we have a electronic card is fuse (drive motor). We ask how repair this or where …

Dolphin Pool Cleaner 
same type cleaner as above. removed motor package but did not open case yet. took off propeller and washer. turned unit on & runs 5 seconds to left then …

Dolphin Pool Cleaner Stopped Working 
When I turn the Dolphin on it will go forward for a few feet then reverse a few feet and quit all together

Dolphin 2001  
Hello, I'm looking for the drawing of the PCB card of the Dolphin 2001 (not the diagnostic) Please send me a picture. The number on the motor …

Dolphin motor repair 
Dolphin's motors are very expensive, so is a rebuilt as far as you can find them. However most of the time the motors can be repaired. The spi seals …

Dolphin pump motor rotation 
pump motor stopped working. opened motor box found moisture and dried with compressed air. tested for motor operation - impeller now works again, re-assembled …

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Dolphin cord 
My dolphin Diagnostic robot stopped working - I took it apart and traced the problem to the cord where it comes into the Dolphin unit - the cord was shorting. …

Dolphin Diagnostic failure 
I have a bad motor driver board. The box is dry, the 22V and 24V motors are good. The driver IC for the brush roller motor blew up and took out the 11uf …

Replacing the Connector Plug to Power Supply 
Apparently the black wire in the connector from the blue cord in the connector to the power supply is loose. How do I open the plug and remove the casing …

my dolphin 2002 dynamics plus problem. 
When i start my dolphin it’s goes for 1 minute forward and then when he change direction only one side is rolling for some seconds and then it's stop. …

My Dolphin Diagnostic keeps cleaning in the same section of the pool 
My Dolphin Diagnostic keeps cleaning in the same section of the pool - the deep end. To get it to clean the shallow end I have to pull it by the electrical …

dolphin commander problem 
it is about three years old and looks in very good condition, has not been misused. for the last few days it starts for 15seconds or so and I tried with …

Dolphin Diagnostic Pumps Water, Won't Move 
My Dolphin Diagnostic stopped moving, though the water is still pumping out. I took it out of the pool and turned it on its back to perform the diagnostic …

Dolphin Diagnostics shuts down after 10 miutes.  
Dolphin Diagnostics shuts down after 10 minutes. Resetting makes it work for another 10 mins and then it shuts down again.

New Dolphin Pool Cleaner Questions 
I just bought my first pool cleaner. I went with the Dolphin based on my research it seemed to be an good choice. I was wondering about the nasty bag.. …

Dolphin Deluxe for 3 seconds of running, then dies. Motor assembly?  
So a confession first. I bought this Deluxe 4 off of Craigslist. I knew it had issues. The guy had bearings falling out, and Leslies told him that the …

my dolphin commander impeller not turning 
My impeller suddenly stopped working so the dolphin will turn on and spin it's wheels but then just stop altogether after a few min.

Dolphin Diagnostic Reaches Water Line then Stalls 
Submerge the unit with handle set in 3 or 4 position. Turn it on. The unit takes off, fan propelling, cleaning, climbs first wall, reaches water line and …

My Dolphin won't run for more than 30-60 seconds! 
This seems to be a common problem, judging by other comments posted here. I have a Dolphin Dynamic pool cleaner (about $1800 at Leslie's Pool Supply). …

Reset button on power supply 
I just bought a new Dolphin and no where in the user manual does it tell you what the reset button is for. Mine started flashing and then the unit shut …

Dolphin Cable is always twisted 
My line is always tangled in knots , how do you keep it straight ? ADMIN REPLY:This topic is covered on the site. To recap..ALWAYS re-coil the cable …

Dolphin not running, belt hard to turn in one direction 
My dolphin was working fine. Recently when I put it in it runs one direction, goes up the wall, then goes the other direction and stops. I looked at the …

Dolphin Diagnostic 
5/29/2012 I purchased the Dolphin Diagnostic in September of 2007. The first time I used it was in June of 2008. I have used the Robotic for four …

Bonjour je vous contacte car la carte électronique de mon rebot oelphin swash TC a subi des dommages, a fin de procéder a une refabrication j'aurais …

Dolphin M5 (green) out of order. Not rated yet
On start, it does his 1/4 turn left and right, then stops while trying to start the pump. I tested all 3 motors: OK Conclusion: The board has a failure. …

Have a Dolphin DX3 forever..!  Not rated yet
I didn't have a pool robot to begin with till my good neighbor gave me a broken Dolphin DX3. After checking why it was not working, found out that the …

Dolphin Nautilus CC Acting Weird Not rated yet
Bought new in 2020. At first it was doing the 10 second self test fail. Checked everything externally 10x over. Opened her up (Thanks LeisureLuke!) and …

Maytronics power supply 9995670-AU Repair Not rated yet
Hi, My Dolphin M400 Robot power supply 9995760-AU has died and I am trying to repair it, I have found a moisture short on the board and confirmed Q2 12N50NZ …

Maytronics Dolphin Power supply Plug Wiring Not rated yet
On my maytronics robotic pool cleaner (Dolphin) it has the following wiring from power supply to the plug is 1 purple 1 red and 1 black the plug it self …

new tracks need to be stretched before installation! Not rated yet
I found replacement rollers on ebay (broken bearing in one roller, but the timing track (yellow with nubs in middle) was completely worn flat on the inside. …

Dolphin Stops after a few minutes ! Not rated yet
Dolphin Stops after a few minutes ! by: JO I own a Dolphin supreme bio suction ! It stopped in last time within the workcycle. The powersupply works …

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DOLPHIN Nautilus CC Automatic Robotic Pool Cleaner track keeps falling off Not rated yet
DOLPHIN Nautilus CC Automatic Robotic Pool Cleaner track keeps coming off on one side. Is there any way to adjust this? I got NEW tracks but they fall …

After foam roller replacement Not rated yet
After replacing foam rollers, my Atlantis will not work. For about 4 second the propeller will work and crawl into the pool, but once it hits water it …

Karon 2410074lf, D2 failure Not rated yet
Self test failed, took apart the motor unit, and the Karon 2410074lf rev 3 board has some corrosion around j3, the diode labeled D3 is cracked. The text …

Dolphin Apollo circuit board question Not rated yet
Wondering if anyone knows the specs for resistor 38 on a Maytronics 2410073LF Rev 02. I saw the post for a Rev 01 but when comparing the physical size …

R38 burned on maytronics 2410110LF rev 03 Not rated yet
hallo does it work to replace ? and why did it burn ?

Dolphin Powersupply BASIC 230 Not rated yet
Hi, first of all, that's a very helpful page, thanks a lot! My father has a Dolphin E10 poolcleaner, and the powersupply is not working anymore. …

DOLPHIN ECHO Premature Failure Not rated yet

Circuit board is shot DX 5 plus Not rated yet
Pump motor and forward drive lasts for 5 seconds then nothing. Both drives and the pump motor works. But just for 5 seconds. BTW, the power cord on the …

Sluggish  Not rated yet
Well I pretty much have rebuilt my c4 twice but this time it does ok for a few minutes ( if I spray a little lubricant where the motor and those hexagonal …

Peter Not rated yet
Hi, I am searching for information what is the value of the resistor R38 in unit electronic board for Dolphin S-Swash CL pool cleaner. The moisture …

Dolphin Escape top cover replacement  Not rated yet
Anyone know how to replace the top filter cover of a dolphin escape I hit the part but csnnot figure how to get the top off without braking the hinges …

Tracks move in one direction and stops and then in opposite direction. But once I put it in the water I get nothing. Not rated yet
my dolphins passes test out of water. Tracks move in one direction and stops and then in opposite direction. But once I put it in the water I get nothing. …

Need to know a resistor value. Not rated yet
Dolphin Advantage pool cleaner stopped working. I opened up the motor assembly and noted about 2 oz of water inside. Based on the smell it was obvious …

My dolphin will not go into reverse mode  Not rated yet
Hi y'all my dolphin will not go into reverse to back away from the walls. I've narrowed it down to the board and the only thing that does not give a reading …

opening the pool for the start of the season , i put the cleaner into the pool and went to start , but no action , i cleaned and serviced the unit at the …

Dolphin Active 30 won't run in automato mode but perfectly using manual control in My Dolphin app Not rated yet
Active 30 is put in water and blue light blinks then stops and robot just sits there. When I use My Dolphin app in manual mode the robot works perfectly …

Dolphin C6 Plus (Commercial) is running in circles..... Not rated yet
Dolphin C6 Plus (Commercial) turns on, but runs in little circles. I cleaned the machine really well and it looks like the tracks move fine. Not sure …

Dolphin doesn't move Not rated yet
Dolphin Nautilus CC Plus has worked great until this morning. I put it in the pool and hooked it up as I always do. Turned it on and it began its work. …

Dolphin diagnostic climbing issue and answer Not rated yet
I've had a dolphin diagnostic for years. Bought it at Leslie's pool supply. It is a private label maytronics unit, similar to a deluxe 4. This year …

Dolphin electronic board REV06 Not rated yet
Trying to repair my Dolphin for one year. Problem is the same as for most of the users: It stops working within the first minute. The electronic board …

DX3 one lane mind Not rated yet
Lately my DX3 stays on one lane on one side of the pool. It goes back and forth the full length of the pool without turning for the entire 3 hour cycle. …

Pathetic  Not rated yet
I had a Smartpool Climber for a couple of years, and it was repaired 4 times-even with very few cleaning cycles. “Customer Service” was horrible. It finally …

No direction change Not rated yet
My Dolphin DX3 will not change directions. It climbs up the side, up the steps but will not change direction. One of the belts(timing track?) seems to …

Dolphin M4 power question Not rated yet
I have a Dolphin M4 and the dolphin will come on, the power button lights up, but the dolphin will not do anything. What can this be and how do I go about …

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DX6 Handle / Floats Not rated yet
Maytronics says to set the handle diagonally for cleaning at the waterline. I don't see anyway to change the handle pivot points on a DX6 model. The problem …

Problem with old Dolphin DX4 Not rated yet
Hi, I am located in Canada. Recently, I had the transformer and motor repaired by a technician on my Dolphin DX4. The gears are now working but when submerged, …

Dolphin Supreme M3 moves for a short while then stops but fan still runs Not rated yet
Recently we realised that the pool cleaner was not cleaning the pool properly so we watched it one day to see what it was doing. Basically it was running …

Remote control not communicating with Dolphin Dynamic Not rated yet
Like others, I had the motor replaced as it would run only for a short time. The remote worked fine before the motor replacement. Now it runs good but …

Dolphin Active 30 power head won't turn on  Not rated yet
I have had the power head and motor replaced under warranty in my Dolphin Active 30 and it still did not work. I purchased a new power head and same thing …

Dolphin 2001 Diagnostic PCB schematic or information please Not rated yet
Hi, Does anyone know where I can find a schematic for my PCB or does anyone know the value of C2 please

Primal x3 not moving Not rated yet
My primal x3 worked perfect last week. Today I turned it on and the powersupply that was replaced 3 months ago by maytronics seems to work fine, however …

Happy Dolphin Owner Selling Parts Not rated yet
I have one set of useful cases, cord with in line swivel, newly installed magenta sweeper brushes, new yellow tracks and new transformer. All for sale. …

Changing fuse? Not rated yet
How do I change fuse? The light on the power supply is lit. Does that mean fuse is OK?

Stolen Dolphin Supreme power supply Not rated yet
I have a dolphin supreme m3 brand new, will only two months old . some one stole my power supply from backyard. doe's any one have one for sale at a …

dolphin dynamic prox 2. wont work Not rated yet
All of s sudden this machine wont work. I switch it on - the orange light that shows full filter shows, the machine switches off at power unit. The filter …

Blow instead of suck Not rated yet
My dolphin nautilus plus worked fine for a couple months, but now it's working in reverse; water is pulled from top to bottom instead of being sucked from …

Power supply issue Not rated yet
I have Dolphin Maytronic Dynamic 2002 with remote control. The Power Pack blows fuse even with the cleaning unit is disconnected. I would like know if …

Dolphin Deluxe Power Supply Not Working Not rated yet
Had an electrical storm the other night that, among other things, seems to have rendered my Dolphin Power Supply useless. It is a Deluxe 4, so it appears …

dolphin is shooting water out top and has suction but wheels will not turn to move about Not rated yet
please advise. dolphin is shooting water out top and has suction but wheels will not turn. found an object stuck and removed it but that did not solve …

Dolphin M3 power supply works but dolphin has no power. Not rated yet
I have had this unit for about 2 years. the unit stopped when the filter filled up with leaves. I cleaned the filter (as I always have done in the past) …

Dolphin premier power supply not working Not rated yet
Brand new Dolphin Premier, plugged in and it tripped breaker. Reset breaker, it worked for an hour, then stopped. Plug was still working, but power supply …

Floating and stopping. Not rated yet
My cleaner started to have difficulty going to the bottom for a little while now so I pulled it apart made sure it was clear of any obstructions stopping …

Removing the motor plate voids the warranty they are hermitically sealed. Not rated yet
I did it and that's what maytronics told me.

Works in auto mode but not in manual mode Not rated yet
My D5 works in automatic mode but not in manual mode. Trying to find out what the problem is.

Dolphin Orion vacuum Just Floats Not rated yet
I put my vaccum (upside down) in the pool. But it just floats and will not go to bottom unless I push it. Even then, one side comes up and floats. ?? …

power supply stopped Not rated yet
please advise for the power supply dynamic DC 99 95678. no longer turns on from power supply. Appreciate your time to respond very much.

Electronic board been through many engineering changes Not rated yet
I have rev 3 electronics in my seldom used but now broken Dolphin Diagnostic. The electronics have been modified by Maytronics over the years, I assume …

Dolphin pool cleaner won't move more then 3 feet and back 2 feet and shuts off. Not rated yet
My Dolphin Pool cleaner is not working. The cleaner moves 3 feet and backs up and moves 2 feet and shuts off. I have taken it apart and the bearings are …

Problem switching on aquabot Not rated yet
We cannot switch on and think it's the transformer that's at fault as the green light will not come on and it had often been troublesome. Any ideas? Thanks …

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Pin-out configuration  Not rated yet
Yanked out the wire from the connector. Looked here and found out about the black and white wire but I have a green wire as well

Let us Freekin know - with this kind of reliability why by another Dolphin power suppy? Not rated yet
My SECOND power supply lit up for 4 seconds in the beginning of its second season. It will not stay on. It seems Maytronics is passing on some very sub-standard …

power supply transformer keeps tripping  Not rated yet
my power supply keeps tripping the on/off switch. this is the yellow all plastic power supply for the diagnostic. i bought a new rectifier and it still …

Resistor value R1 Not rated yet
I apologize for my bad english, I write from Italy. it is difficult to value R1 goats everything is burned

reassemble tiger shark motor Not rated yet
our tiger shark stopped moving. When first put on it will work for about 2 minutes then it stops moving, it still has good suction, just won't moved. …

My Dolphin stops in few minutes Not rated yet
Hello, my name is Eduardo and I am from Spain. I have a Dolphin Dynamic (2002) and when I start the robot it runs for 1 or 2 minutes and it stops running. …

Where do I find the fuse on my maytronic dolphin supreme 3?  Not rated yet
Where do I find the fuse on my maytronic dolphin supreme 3?

looking for an authorized repair center in northern virginia Not rated yet
i have a dolphin and looking for an authorized repair center in northern virginia or someone at maytronics with whom to speak - electricity getting to …

Impeller & cover for Dolphin 2001 with Caddy Not rated yet
Where to buy the impeller and its cover and how to reset the new impeller in the robot. ADMIN REPLY: Buy at Some impellers have …

DOLPHIN DIAGONOSTIC 2001 Not rated yet

Dolphin commander stops after a minute or so Not rated yet
Opened it up finally and found silica pkt opened up in there all over everything. I am going to try and clean up mess- replace with new silica pkt. Lube …

Love my dolphin... Not rated yet
We named it "Chucky" (the leaf chucker) well unfortunately last year, due to some careless handling the housing cracked to where it's no longer functional. …

Impeller replacement Not rated yet
My Dolphin diagnostic has a broken impeller blade , I've ordered a replacement and am trying to reome the old impeller blade off of its shaft . I've removed …

Dolphin Dynamic quit working  Not rated yet
Like many others my Dolphin Dynamic quit working summer before last. I let it sit all last summer and when I thought about buying a new one I decided to …

Maytronics Dolphin Parts Available Not rated yet and

Power Supply Not rated yet
Our power supply for our dolphin 3001 will not turn on. We had been using it then I shut it off to clean out filter and it will not come back on. Will …

Dolphin M4 Pulleys Not rated yet
Does the Dolphin Supreme M4 have a pulley wheel and two guide wheels on each side or just one? ADMIN REPLY: I believe there are 2 guide wheels and a pulley …

Dolphin Diagnostic Handle Repair Not rated yet
my handle arms came apart and will not snap back into place. The plastic inserts which hold the handle arms in place are loose but do not appear to be …

Shallow End Not rated yet
Just opened up my pool and the robotic cleaner that's just a year old will not go into the shallow end to clean?? Does the temp of the water have something …

Dolphin 4 keeps blinking filter needs to be cleaned Not rated yet
My dolphin 4 keeps blinking filter needs to be cleaned when it is clean. ADMIN REPLY: Run without the filter bag and see if it works. Be sure all debris …

Water in handle Not rated yet
what do you do if you can hear water in the handle of dolphin? ADMIN REPLY: Nothing, unless the robot is having trouble climbing out of the deep end or …

Plastic failure - screw holes on power supply casing Not rated yet
The Dolphin Deluxe 4 that I purchased in 2009 has worked well until the plastic holes for the screws holding the power supply in its casing failed and …

impeller not moving Not rated yet
Dolphin 4 has been working.fine, tried to turn on and no movement. Impeller was lodged with pine needels, removed but still does not seem to get power. …

Power source not working Not rated yet
Left my power source out in a rain storm. It has water in it. It is dead. Laid it in rice for 48 hours to see what would happen. It dried out, but …

Dolphin Cleaner Blowing Fuses Not rated yet
I have a Dolphin pool cleaner and was going fine until one day i turned it on to start its daily clean and there was no power to it. It only took me a …

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New ServiceSource for Dolphin Motor Assemblies and the Circuit Boards Not rated yet
Circuit Board Medics no longer service the Dolphin motor assemblies, but I found some guys that do. The Brothers Fix It in Woburn MA - (781) 368 - 8088. …

transformer problem Not rated yet
transformer hums when turned on then trips circuit breaker(switch) and shuts off. it will do this when robot is not connected. I opened up the yellow box …

Need Guidance After Track Replacement Not rated yet
I put new tracks on my Dolphin. Now I have a problem with the unit starting and stopping in very shorts increments. I got it working correctly a couple …


Back to Back Cleaning Cycle Not rated yet
i have an older model dolphin cleaner that works fine. Is it ok to run back to back cycles? ADMIN REPLY: I do it all the time with my Turbo and Bravo. …

Difficult Starting Dolphin Diagnostic Not rated yet
I have a Dolphin diagnostic. When my Dolphin starts, it will run w/o interruption. But then, after I shut it off and clean it, it may take many tries …

No Warrantee On Replacement Dolphin Motor Units Not rated yet
My Dolphin Robot cleaner (2002) stopped working after 4 yrs. It was doing a great job when it was working so I decided to repair it. The water leaked into …

Remote For Dolphin Reprogramming Not rated yet
I have a dolphin dynamic 2002. My remote got moisture in it and quit working. I purchased one on craigslist and can't get it to even turn on. Seller claims …

Dolphin Diagnostic stops after seconds. Fixed . Replaced Bad Relays Not rated yet
Hi All My 5 year old Dolphin Diagnostic was not working; when powered it was running in one direction only for few seconds and after it stop. I have …

I dropped my power supply for the Dolphin Dynamic 2002 Not rated yet
I dropped the power supply box for Dolphin at the beginning of this season. The Unit had been running fine up to that point, but after the fall I no longer …

Stays in the deep end Not rated yet
I have an older model Dolphin Pro. The vacuum works really well, but it heads to the deep end of the pool and seems to just move back and forth in the …

motor cuts out after a short spell Not rated yet
Our pool cleaner motor cuts out after a short spell. Which may suggest a rely problem. Any ideas from anywhere would be appreciated, about repair or spare …

My dolphin dynamic 2002 doesn't move, the motor makes clicking sound  Not rated yet
At first the impeller would turn for a few seconds and stop. I checked the impeller shaft and did all the checking in the tracks for debris. Everything …

Dolphin Spins Not rated yet
My dolphin continues to stop during the vacuuming process. i've had to continue to turn it off for 30 seconds and then turn it back on. sometimes it doesn't …

Robot Works Then Stops Not rated yet
I have a Dolphin Diagnostic Robot pool cleaner Model #STP DL01 and it is not working right. It starts and goes for a few feet, then reverses for a few …

Water in the Motor Box.  Not rated yet
After five years my Dolphin 2001 gave out and with the help of this website I definitely know what the problem is water in the motor :( Does anyone know …

Do We Need a Power Supply? Not rated yet
Love our Dolphin. Bought him 2009 and began use in June, 2009. He is cleaned after every use. Always take care with lines, etc. Yesterday he was running. …

Works for about one minute. Not rated yet
After a few years (six) of trouble free service, my Dolphin is now working for approximately one minute before coming to a halt completely. It worked fine …

Dolphin 4 won't run on automatic Not rated yet
My dolphin cleaner has been running great the last couple of years but I noticed lately it hasn't been on timer daily it works and cleans fine if I turn …

Which Model do I have??? Not rated yet
Recently picked up a used Dolphin Diagnostic pool cleaner. there does not appear to be a model # stamped on it anywhere that I can see. The manuals …

Dolphin Cable Removal Not rated yet
The housing is cracked on my Dolphin Diagnostic Advantage cleaner. I have located a replacement. What I need to know is how to get the power cord thru …

Impeller Not Moving Not rated yet
tracks move on land but unit does not move or suck up water in water. It looks like the impeller, does not revolve although I replaced it about 2 years …

dolphin error Not rated yet
I have a new dolphin evolution X5. About 4 minutes into the cleaning cycle when the machine comes up to the side of the pool, it falls over backwards. …

Small Metal Ringlets in Pool after using Dolphin Cleaner Not rated yet
I am finding small metal ringlets in my pool after running my Dolphin Diagnostic pool cleaner. These ringlets show signs of wear and are visibly broken …

Dolphin Moby  Not rated yet
Hi , I have had my Moby for a few years and it has been faultless until now . The impeller is working fine and the fan also as when it is going over dirty …

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Help. Please I have a plastic piece inside dolphin pro that broke apart from the side? Not rated yet
My story is I'm clueless how do I get it repaired? Anybody? A little help. Julie ADMIN REPLY: Do you even need it repaired? Call Aqua Quality Pools …

How to trouble shoot my pool cleaner Not rated yet
I bought a Dolphin 2001 S in 2009. Until now it was working fine. But now when I started it , is working for few minutes (3 or 5)then it stop, and stay …

Cleaner changes direction too often Not rated yet
I have a dolphin pool cleaner and in recent times it seems to change direction far too often and hence does not do a complete sweep of the pool What can …

cable from power supply to cleaner Not rated yet
My dog chewed the blue cable that goes from the power supply to the cleaner. Is it possible to have that replaced? what part is that called? ADMIN REPLY: …

Dolphin Stops Not rated yet

Robot works for 30 seconds and then stops Not rated yet
I have the Dolphin advantage for approx 6 years. The robot after it has been turned on only runs for about 30 seconds and then stops. It will only turn …

2 latches for Dolphin Pool Cleaner Not rated yet
I have a Dolphin and 1 of the yellow latches broke off I was wondering if you sold the 2 latches I went to my pool store Leslies in Chandler Arizona he …

No Dolphin Diagnostic Transformer power in Metz in France Not rated yet
Good evening I have a robot JD CLEAN and I have a problem with it. I have not DC 24 v in the out of transformer DIAGNOSTI DC. I think that it is a …

new Dolphin 30 caught a small branch in one of the brushes Not rated yet
robot was only circling in automatic and manually impossible to steer straight, we found a blocked brush, removed the object cleaned thoroughly filters …

Best Pool Cleaner for 75x50 Pool Not rated yet
I am asking for your suggestion on what model to purchase. We are a YMCA with an in ground pool 75x50 3.5'to 5'stainless with a liner. I am looking for …

Power Cable at Caddy Not rated yet
The power cable on my Dolphin Dynamic 3002 has become detached from the amphenol connector. On inspection, there are three wires, not the reported two. …

residential pool owner finding metal parts Not rated yet
I have been finding small ringlets of metal in the bottom of my pool. The pool is 20 years old. This is our first year owning and using Dolphin Maytronics …

Dolphin Diagnostic just shut off Not rated yet
We have had this for about 10 years and have never had a problem (other than it getting stuck on the main drain). Yesterday, we put it in the pool and …

Chief Pool-boy at my home Not rated yet
. .Purched new Dolphin Diagnostic pool vac 2008. Completing 5th summer July,2012. After placing vac in pool and activating the "on" button....No Power. …

dolphin has a hard time going to the bottom Not rated yet
My dolphin is having a hard time submerging, when i finally hold it under and i guess its fills up with water, it is fine. and does it have BBs or ball …

Dolphin Pool Cleaner circuit board Not rated yet
my dolphin stops after about 30 secs. Like you, curiosity got the best of me. I opened it up and tested all the motors. They seem to work fine. So I think …

Dolphin diagnostic turns on and circulates water but will not move Not rated yet
the dolphin diagnostic turn on and circulates water but will not move at all once it goes to the bottom of the pool. I've had it for about six years now. …

commander aquabot will not move Not rated yet
once in pool nothing happens, I hear a sound from the power supply. I was told there it may need a fuse or there should be a reset button on the power …

dolphin 4 stopped working. Not rated yet

Powerless Dolphin Pool Cleaner! Not rated yet
Hello, my Dolphin has worked great for some time, but one day the power source started turning off, I push the button, it makes a little bit of noise and …

Twisted Dolphin Electric Power Cable Not rated yet
The 40' cord on my dolphin is twisted. How can I get it back to it's original straightness? ADMIN REPLY: 2 things to do. Lay it out straight in the heat …

Dolphin Trouble, Moves One Foot Not rated yet
This morning I turned on my dolphin and noticed it didnt seem to move much. I switched the power off and after a few seconds turned it back on. The Dolphin …

troubleshooting Not rated yet
On the left side of my electrical unit that is attached to wheels, the black screw-like thingy came lose and the greeen and white wires are exposed. is …

Dolpin Deluxe 5 Full Bag Indicator Not rated yet
I am trying to find out what the red light means on my Dolpin Deluxe 5 w/remote that comes on when I put the dolpin in the water. The red light is above …

Dolphin Diagnostic is Powerless Not rated yet
My dolphin diagnostic will not move-the power supply is on but the dolphin doesn't go when in the water-What should I check first? REPLY: Check for obstructions …

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Dolphin Start and Stop Not rated yet
While using the dolphin robot for the first time of the season it goes forward then backwards a few times then goes forward for a longer while (30 seconds) …

First start of season. Dolphin Won't Start Not rated yet
I put the unit in my pool and when I pressed the "ON" button, the button "lit" and there was a little buzz and the light on the button clicked off. I checked …

Belt keeps slipping off the trackr Not rated yet
When the machine is put in the water after about 15 minutes the track comes off the wheels. What can I do to fix this problem. ADMIN REPLY First …

Dolphin advantage diagnostic Not rated yet
My dolphin vacuum it doesn't move in the water . Outside is moving please can you help me to fix the problem . I live in Cyprus and I bought the vacuum …

water in Dolphin motor box? Not rated yet
I started my dolphin after cleaning it. While it was pumping water through it flipped on it's back on the bench in the shallow end and stopped working. …

Dolphin Pool Cleaner Motor Broken. Not rated yet
It appears my motor is bad in my Dolphin pool cleaner. Is there anyone in the Sacramento, ca. area that repairs them? ADMIN REPLY: Unfortunately, there …

Great info!! Need new blue power cord for my dolphin diagnostic Not rated yet
Where can I get a new blue power cord for my dolphin diagnostic? Is there a part number because normal searches are turning up nothing... ADMIN REPLY: …

Dolphin Magic motor testing Not rated yet
Magic Dolphin had broken one brush cylinder.Power pack failed( as consequence? ) Repaired with new thermal protector switch and rectifier.Tested motor …

Dolphins tarts but gets stuck in one place Not rated yet
My Dolphin advantage starts OK and moves along for a few minutes but it eventually gets to a sidewall and tries to climb it. The top propeller stops so …

Maytronics circuit board repair Not rated yet
First, on mine, I do not have to remove the side panels to remove the motor assembly. The screws are accessible from the handle opening. My question …

Dolphin Pool Cleaner motor Not rated yet
Greetigs All, my dolphin was free and worked great for two years now the drive motor is shot and can't find anyone to repair it.I miss the hard work …

self test why do these things fail on such a grand scal Not rated yet
if the cleaner runs through the self-test cycle as prescribed by some sites, what makes it realize that it shouldn't procede with the pool cleaning? …

Dolphin Pool Cleaner Misses Corners Not rated yet
Doesn't seem to get to the corners in our pool. ADMIN REPLY: This is a problem common to many robots. Simply brush debris out of the corners.

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