Dolphin Deluxe for 3 seconds of running, then dies. Motor assembly?

by Davep

So a confession first. I bought this Deluxe 4 off of Craigslist. I knew it had issues. The guy had bearings falling out, and Leslies told him that the drive wheels were probably the only problem. The power supply alone was probably worth more than I paid for it, including the new wheels. So, put the wheels on, drop it in the pool, push the switch, and it runs in one direction for just a few seconds. Then nada. Turn it off, wait a few, same thing. Read through threads here, pulled it apart and checked the impeller, it was clear and turned easily. Still, I lubed it a bit, and it got better, but didn't seem to matter.

I pulled it fully apart again, and started checking the drive assembly. Using the pulley and the shaft adapter, I can turn it in one direction, not exactly what I'd call easily, but not terribly hard. If I turn it the other way, it's really very hard. In one place, I found someone allude to it being easy to turn. Since it it goes one direction, I wonder if it's trying an opening self test, goes one way, and then chokes trying to go the other.

I figured nothing much to lose, so I pulled open the box. There was lots of moisture inside, and the silica was all over the place. I yanked the motor. It appears to be a motor/gearbox combo, with the p/n: 5500000, FL6322PMC0822 Orion rev G.

I wondered about trying to buy a new motor, but a search for that unit has turned up nothing. I'm not opposed to tearing it apart, but have had a few surprises with unknown gearboxes in the past. So, I thought before doing so, I should ask if anybody who had gone here before might take pity and tell me if I'm wasting my time, of anything to look out for, or even if it's normal for it to be so tight one way.

Any help is appreciated!

Thanks -dave

Comments for Dolphin Deluxe for 3 seconds of running, then dies. Motor assembly?

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Jul 24, 2023
Cleaned the DC motors, same Short Run/Stop
by: Tech16

I have had Repeated Failures of the Dolphin CC Plus Motor Box.
This unit went out of 2 year warranty August 2022.
The "Brushed" DC motors are High-Failure devices. If/When the Carbon Dust gets too heavy, the whole procedure of cleaning Both motors took me (30 year Tech) 2 solid hours to accomplish.
All to No Success.
I believe that the Driver Board over-amped and subsequently failed.
In my opinion, These Motor Boxes are "Cascading Failure" devices, due to Poor Engineering.
👉 ALL motors on these pool robots should be BRUSHLESS, and the driver board should have MUCH Better self-protection circuitry.👈
This thing is a Migraine on treads.
PS:As a Seasoned Technician, I can change a pool pump shaft seal in 1 hour. 🤷‍♂️

Jul 11, 2020
Silica Gel

Hi Dave, I think silica gel that has absorbed water will conduct electricity and short the Electronic Control Board.

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