by Jo
Dolphin Stops after a few minutes !
by: JO
I own a Dolphin supreme bio suction !
It stopped in last time within the workcycle.
The powersupply works well and supports about 28 Volts. When it stopped, I can move it with the remote control. But it won't run in Automaticcycle.
Now I got the open motorbox at the workbench without any housing, the motors can run free.
I cleaned the impellermotor inside, the brushes are well. The PCM-Signal is ok and the current is about 1A in freerun.
When i switch on the device, the impeller starts and run a few seconds, then the drivemotors start and run also a few seconds. When the impeller start and stops again, the green LED D4 on the mainboard begins blinking every second. Then there is no more movement.
Are the motorcurrents to high ?
Is there a accelaration sensor that detects movement ? I found no sensor in the Robot !
Please help !
Many thanks