Swimming Pool Algae

Swimming pool algae blooms happen. Most often when the free chlorine falls below the required minimum level to prevent algae growth or the free chlorine is marginal with poor circulation.

Control your stabilizer. High stabilizer levels will mean more shock to overcome the algae.

CONTROL THE PHOSPHATES that enter the pool thru rain water run-off of garden and lawn fertilizers. These Phosphates feed the algae and may cause an algae problem despite adequate chlorine. One day, you notice the pool water appears cloudy and off to work you go. You return home to a green pea soup.

Don't panic! Go out and get 6 gallons of 12% liquid shock. Pour it in and try to raise the free chlorine to about 30ppm. SIDE EFFECT: Liquid chlorine has a high pH. A swimming pool with current high pH, approximately 7.8, will have a negative affect on the sanitizing properties of the shock. Liquid shock will raise the pH higher further compounding the problem.

The algae will clog the filter so backwash as often as needed until the bloom is controlled. Could be every 4 hours. Run the pump continuously til the water clears.

You will notice a great improvement, if not clear water within 3 days.

For maximum chlorine efficiency, maintain pH as close to 7.2 as possible without going lower. High pH will reduce the sanitizing power of the chlorine. Check pH after heavily shocking. Most chlorine pool shocks are very high pH.

In high phosphate conditions, using a phosphate control will allow efficient sanitizer performance and eliminate the food that algae feeds on.

Swimming Pool Algae costs money and time to fix. Keep an eye on chlorine levels, add phosphate reducer, brush algae off the walls and this preventative work will save you future problems.

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