Where to buyDolphin Diagnostic PC board???

I have a Dolphin Diagnostic that starts to run for a few seconds then stopped. I use the power supply to check on a friend's Dolphin and it seems to work ok. So, power supply is not the culprit, the problem is in the Dolphin. I disassembled the motor box and found the PC board is the issue (water has leaked in and probably short out the board). The two motors works fine when power applied. The board that I am looking for is 2410012. Can't seem to google anyone who sells it online. Any suggestion greatly appreciated.

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Feb 03, 2025
Dolphin E10
by: Woko

Does anyone know if a PCB2410124LF version 01 or 02 will fit a Dolphin E10? My board is same number but very 00

Mar 30, 2024
Repairing my Dolphin DX3
by: Anonymous

Gentlemen, I have a Dolphin DX3 which was given to me as a friend. I couldn't find the original board 2410073LF, so I found a board for a diagnostic and with a couple of changes on the power connector, it worked for 5 years. One day, last week it quit on me. The diagnostic board number is 2410075LF. I cannot remember where I did purchased it. If anyone knows pls let me know. Otherwise I would have to purchase the complete motor assy for $300...!

Sep 04, 2022
Unhappy Customer
by: Anonymous

Hi, I have read the comments and thought I'd vent here as well. I have a Dolphin S150 and a copper/silver ion pool which uses very low levels of chlorine. Within the warranty it stopped and was sent back. Maytronic's kept stating it was my issue and I was using too much chlorine in the pool and would not accept that I do not use chlorine but they fixed it anyway as they say was goodwill. It stopped again 2year later and they said water has ruined the motor and board etc and all up would cost $1100 to fix or I could buy a new S200 for $2400. It is only 4yrs old and the repair is beyond my budget. I got the unit back in peaces and have done my own testing and it is the control board that is the problem. Not the motors etc that they claim. Like others it runs for a minute or so then stops. I have noticed that the led on the board starts flashing quicker when it stops so I am looking for a new one too. Any advice were to find one or bit on the board need replacing. If it is just a cap or resister that I can do. Cheers

Aug 22, 2022
by: Anonymous

Same here works for 40 seconds and stops I will check the motors this is the second full unit in 12 years... they do not last more than 6 years... Power supply dies in 3 years I have replaced the power supply with MEAN WEEL 24V 200W DC power supply and it worked for 3 years... I think in pools where there is a lot of water rock the motors get strained buy working hard... and that in the end destroys the motor or power supply and the device stops to work...

Mar 15, 2022
Dolphin do 4
by: Lhagler

Have a dx4 when you hit the power button it lights up but no select or re-set light up and the cleaner will not run. Checked blue power cord it’s fine. The impeller was tight to turn.
Any suggestions as to what I can check would be appreciated

Feb 20, 2022
Dolphin T35 réparé
by: Christian

Juste pour info, j'ai réussi à faire repartir mon DOLPHIN T35 en changeant les deux gros condensateurs chimiques (100 et 1000 microF). La plus grosse difficulté a été de les dessouder. J'ai l'impression que la soudure utilisée sur la carte ne fond pas à 450°C.

Jun 13, 2021
Still got one for sale?
by: Farsonic

Darrin, you still got this for sale?

Aug 24, 2020
Need a board for my M200
by: Buck

Did anyone find a place for boards? I need one too!

Jun 06, 2020
DC Controller
by: Guy

Hi Max
Can you please share where did you get the DC conroller and Relay?


Jun 06, 2020
Power supply died
by: Anonymous

My dolphin is the S 50
Bought it 6/2016 the blue LED lights on the BASIC power supply is not lighting and vac is not working. I suspect there is an issue with the power supply unit and I am finding very little about this on the web. I have 120 volts coming inside the supply box have not tested the output yet (my meter is at work). Did test the internal fuse for continuity and it tests good.
Any resources or troubleshooting info would be much appreciated

Thanks in advance

May 25, 2020
Where to purchase
by: Anonymous

Did anyone find a source to purchase the board?

Apr 11, 2020
Interested in PCB
by: Eric

Hey Daren,
I would be interested in the PCB, could you please send me a photo to ensure it is the same as mine?

Feb 03, 2020
Where to buy Dolphin Diagnostic PC board???
by: Darren

Hi I have a PCB Control board for sale it is out of a Dophin M400 i changed it out for a new one as i checked all motors but after replacing the card i still had it operating for a couple of minuets then stopping.It was the impeller motor that was faulty now i have a spare one for sale $100.00 AUS
plus shipping costs.

Dec 14, 2019
Dolphin supreme M4
by: Mark

Has anyone found a place or person where I can purchase a new electronic circuit board please ,otherwise all good

Jun 15, 2018
Max-Where was DC board purchased
by: Anonymous

Max I hate to get rid of my dolphin and would prefer repairing it. Where did you get the motor board from also in addition to the motor board was there anything else you did

Jun 07, 2018
dolphine pro rc control board
by: vic

has anyone resolved this control board issues? maybe a class action so we could get at least partial refund for bad design?

May 10, 2018
Your industrial electronics repair
by: Max

I have checked with the industrial electronics guys and they want $500 to repair the board. With that money you can buy the whole motor assembly. Or replace the board with another similar.... I did replaced the board with a DC motor controller and a timing relay to reverse the direction every two minutes....Done deal.!

Jan 15, 2018
2410074LF for Dolphin DX6
by: Bob

Has anyone tried Industrial Electronics Repair At ACS Industrial. Expert Industrial Electronic Repair Services

Sep 26, 2014
Early Dolphin failures
by: Steve Hobrecht

I have the same board (rev 03) and am having the same problem. The design uses an Atmel 16 bit microcontroller that drives DMOS power Fets(and a relay to reverse the track motor). The initial routine checks the system by looking at the motor currents and decides if the unit is operating properly. That explains why the unit appears to work for a few minutes. If the Atmel initialization code determines that there is a fault, an internal DMOS device (Q3)in series with R31 will overload the external power supply, causing it to shut down and remain off until the external power supplies internal capacitors discharge.
For years, I have been shutting off the power supply to recycle the units electronics, not realizing that the unit was only turning on for a half hour or less.
I took out the motor control unit by removing the 4 screws adjacent to the units handle and disassembled the motor control unit (noticing that they only put in half of the screws sealing the motor control unit). The dessicant had opened due to the moisture (very little moisture)and left the telltale brownish particles throughout the unit.
The first thing I noticed was the blown R31 and M3, a Siliconix dual DMOS device. This is the units last input to the external power supply, overloading and shutting down the Dolphin.
Once the M3 is shorted out and damaged, R31 burns up and opens. The Atmel uP now has no reason to ever turn on a motor again because it can identify the open R31 resistor.
I asked Maytronics for help but was denied. The unit does not even have a proper 9999... type serial number but a serial number starting with 120 similar to yours.
I suspect these were early engineering run units sold to the public by Leslies Pools in my area.

Aug 05, 2014
Same Problem-Bad board
by: Victor

Here's what happened to mine. I experienced the same issues as previous posters. After disassembly of the motor box I found the Silca Gel bag that was in the motor box (obviously to absorb moisture)was soaked and the contents had split the paper containment bag open thereby spilling all the silica gel into the motor box and circuitry. This most likely caused a short circuit on the control board and now I am looking for that same 2410012 Maytronics Dolphin board. Anyone have any ideas. Maytronics will not sell the board. Otherwise I have 2 perfectly good DC motors one for the suction impeller and the other for the drive belts.

Jun 19, 2013
Same problem
by: Jerry

I had the same problem with it going through the motions for 15 seconds then stopping. I called a company who said that the robot is performing a diagnostics check. He said the clock chip is telling the board that it has already cleaned the pool. He said I had to buy a new motor for $300. They would charge me $70 to fix it and another $75 to send the entire unit back to me. I plan to remove the motor and take it to my computer expert and have him check it out and replace the clock chip if possible. i hope I can find the correct chip.

May 03, 2013
Same Problem
by: Anonymous

Turn it on and runs for a few seconds and then stops. Took it to the pool store where purchased and they did a few routine tests and everything checked out ok. Said I would have to contact the manufacturer and probably ship it to them.

Apr 08, 2013
Pub board
by: Anonymous

Heve you find the pcb board?
I have the same problem

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